onsdag den 8. december 2010


jeg er for nylig blevet gjort opmærksom på svenske Aase Berg og selvom guderne skal vide, at jeg aldrig har kunne fordrage marsvin, så er mit misbehag forvandlet til ligefrem direkte angst efter denne barokke mareridtsvision med marsvin i hovedrollen:

Og så siger Aase forresten helt perfekt i et essay med det ligeså perfekte navn: “It’s Not Acceptable to be Fatso”:

“… I hope for poetic expressions that are aggressive, baroque and esoteric; I prefer ridiculous and embarrassing to perfection. On the literary market, which is dominated by the aesthetic and social ideals of the upper middleclass, it is unacceptable to be excessive in any way – one adjective too many and you’re out. There’s a stubborn cliché that the sober, quiet and elegant, the so-called “simple” is categorically more informative than the noisy. The fleshy, screamy and overdone, the vulgar, desperate and pathetic are so taboo in our culture that there must be dog buried in the phenomenon.”

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